Baybayin Hub



For Digital NOMADS

BBIH Partner Resort Services - Abraham Bohol

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Deluxe King Room

Family Room with Pool Access

Grand Family

Mixed Dormitory

Private Dormitory


Private Pool

Reception Lobby

Coworking Area

Baybayin Hub Certified

Digital Nomad Friendly

Hi Speed Fiber Network

Safe and Clean Environment

Equality Observed

  • If you are a Digital Nomad  don’t forget your extension cables, laptop exhaust and headsets  
  • Always  remember  our Digital Nomad creed: “STAY, WORK and PLAY!
  • Our team is incredibly passionate about what we do, and we’re dedicated to providing our community members with the best possible experience in both co-working and co-living. Would you like to get a personalized recommendation from one of  our  Community Managers?


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Contact us and one of our digital nomad community managers will get back to you shortly.