Baybayin Hub

Our Journey

When our government declared the initial nationwide lockdown, we thought it was temporary. Maybe a month or two at most and everything will return to normal. As instructed by the government to help stop the spread of the virus, we followed the protocol and closed our hostel for a month.

When the announcement of the extension of the lockdown came, fear came over us as we saw the drop of our occupancy from full capacity to zero. Just like everyone else, we held our breath for what is to come.

“Being a hostel owner in the hospitality and tourism industry, we were one of the very people who faced the imminent threat of closing down the business during the pandemic.”

This prompted us to think and plan ahead as our finances will leave us no choice but to permanently close our hostel if we have no revenue for the next two to three months. A possibility that we are not ready to do or even willing to entertain as we have a responsibility as a hostel owner to our staff. We had to think fast, come up with a solution and act fast.

All across the globe, the hospitality and tourism industry is one of the business line that’s hit the hardest and we have witnessed the closing of hotels, resorts and all the hospitality establishments. Like most people, no one thought this pandemic will last this long and may last longer. Sadly, many businesses continue to struggle and will eventually close.

In order for our hostel to survive, we pivoted and converted our hostel into a COWORKING and CO-LIVING space.

“For us to succeed in adapting to the ‘new normal’, we all MUST adjust to the needs and demands of our new customers, the DIGITAL NOMADS and REMOTE WORKERS.”

We came to realize that the 16 years of working remotely prepared us and gave us the edge to foresee the needs of digital nomads and remote workers. It came naturally for us create and design spaces that specifically caters to their needs as a remote worker and what could be done to further improve their stay by integrating human factor in their technological needs.

Our newly converted hostel to a co-living and coworking space caught the attention of a friend. She introduced me to an associate who needed help with his resort via Zoom. We gave them a brief idea of what we did and he believed in the vision. We soon found ourselves driving to the resort. We duplicated and tweaked what we implemented in our hostel to a 3-hectare eco-resort and trained the owner and the staff.

A few weeks later, we launched the new business model for his resort and booked long-term guests which are remote workers. We were overwhelmed and surprised at the success of his newly converted vacation resort to a coworking and co-living eco-resort.

After the success of converting our hostel and the eco-resort to a co-living and co-working space; we found that many establishments in the hospitality industry were interested and seeking help in how we turned this potential tragedy of losing my business to a solution that could really help them. We started receiving calls from different business owners requesting for our services to convert their business to a co-living and coworking establishment.

We started to study how we can assist establishments in the hospitality industry and help them convert their businesses to accommodate the needs of the digital nomads and remote workers.

Each hospitality business is unique and made up differently so we developed a plan to convert spaces for co-living and coworking hub and convinced the business owners to create a program that would allow guests for medium to long-term stay rates with access to their kitchen / discounts on their restaurants and bar. In addition, we convinced them to convert their private function rooms to a co-working or common space.

An overwhelming request for this service took us by surprise and we are lucky enough to find that there are a lot of local digital nomads and remote workers in the Philippines who are looking for this kind accommodations.

“And now we have a variation of accommodations that you can choose from. From RUSTIC to POSH; or simply search for your dream WORKATION set-up by clicking the button below.”


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Contact us and one of our digital nomad community managers will get back to you shortly.